Woah.. thankss to Owen for the tic. Got to watch Glenn's concert last Sat. I missed about four songs thanks to the dumb fireworks and everyone else who jammed the traffic =P
As for the concert.. I must say I was impressed. I mean I know he is good but all along, I sort of thought that his main strength was his very high range and good falsetto, that's all. But man was he GOOD! ^^ ANd the crowd was definitely great, Glenn even had to stop singing many times.. they were juz uber loud thruout the concert.
When Glenn sang 'you're my everything', the musicians were pointing their fingers heavenward, and so do we =P For a moment, it felt like a worship session lol.
And I just remembered how much I love to watch concert. To see those singers singing and expressing their emotion onstage, and how the crowds are jumping to the beat, that sort of atmosphere is always kinda magical to me.
Oh and one shocking fact we learned that nite.. Taufiq, that Sing Idol fella, is tall and all muscles like a gym pro. Why I always had this impression that he is skinny? But as Ncek said.. he probably stuff himself with powder to grow those muscles heh.
The cellgroup@trellis was another good thing that happened on Sat. If I didn't miscount, I think we got 12 members there, excluding those of us who are also on Tuesday@Cambridge. We had so many ppl there everyone juz had to squeeze. Woohoo.. thanks God and great job everyone ^^ AYo ran... bawa firman lagi yahh next time.. well done =)
As for the concert.. I must say I was impressed. I mean I know he is good but all along, I sort of thought that his main strength was his very high range and good falsetto, that's all. But man was he GOOD! ^^ ANd the crowd was definitely great, Glenn even had to stop singing many times.. they were juz uber loud thruout the concert.
When Glenn sang 'you're my everything', the musicians were pointing their fingers heavenward, and so do we =P For a moment, it felt like a worship session lol.
And I just remembered how much I love to watch concert. To see those singers singing and expressing their emotion onstage, and how the crowds are jumping to the beat, that sort of atmosphere is always kinda magical to me.
Oh and one shocking fact we learned that nite.. Taufiq, that Sing Idol fella, is tall and all muscles like a gym pro. Why I always had this impression that he is skinny? But as Ncek said.. he probably stuff himself with powder to grow those muscles heh.
The cellgroup@trellis was another good thing that happened on Sat. If I didn't miscount, I think we got 12 members there, excluding those of us who are also on Tuesday@Cambridge. We had so many ppl there everyone juz had to squeeze. Woohoo.. thanks God and great job everyone ^^ AYo ran... bawa firman lagi yahh next time.. well done =)
Emang dsr kokona aj yg udah teLat weeeeee ;p iya kan ???
SecondLy,, si Taufik bermuscLes ???Hiyoooooo,, geLiiiiii... :(
ThridLy,, yupz.. There were 12 peeps @ TreLLis.. Whoooaaaaa,, smakin bertambah.. Senangnaaaa...
God is great !!!!
Tp,, aku nerpaus bw firmanna..
Ntar smakin byk org jd ndak ngerti Lhooo ko gara2 rani,, hahahaha...
huehue uda dipuji gitu loh sama si cath bawa firmannya.. nervous nya lama2 jg ilank koq ^^