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Heh remembered that day, having dinner with some subroto fa mates..
n linda was saying that my type is someone like "usagi tsukino".

It's one of the strange things about me that some of my dearest friends would know.

Just rewatched some of her clips in youtube n hey.. I still adore her =P

But all my life.. I have only one friend who is an 'usagi tsukino'.
I never had any doubt that she is my favorite.
And she.. is not an option, anymore. Or she never was.

Will there be a second one?


^^ MaHaRaNi ^^ said…
LittLe monkey = Usako ?????
phoenix chix said…
huehehe jelas bukan..
they are soo.. different ^^
my favorite is sailor mercury. Its so waterish....
Linda said…
i love the other side of usa, the neo serenity... haha.

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