The way God works is.. as I try to observe.. very peculiar. He seems to dislike our habit of counting the eggs. Being human, I would now and then assess how many potential clients I have, how many of them would close the deal, etc etc. I notice that many times.. when I put high hope in some of the cases, it just doesn't work out in one unfortunate way or another. And many times.. when I just unassumingly do my part, and let God decides the outcome, things work out- in one amazing way or another. I asked for 2nd promotion before 2009 ends.. when i entered Dec 2009, I had few cases with high chance of closing in my hands. Counting my eggs, I thought I could not only get the 2nd promotion, but also hit my sales target by the end of the month. I was very excited. Unsurprisingly.. I got it wrong. The cases just didn't work out. And there I was, 29 Dec 2009.. totally accepting the fact that I will neither get the promotion nor hit the target. I got one more case in hand.. and yet.. I...