I have long been wondering about the issue, or rather the biblical truth of tithing, first fruit, etc. So if you never have issue with the above issue.. you probably won't need to read on. let me first admit that the 10% is indeed not easy. the first fruit is of course even more challenging. I truly admire those who faithfully and cheerfully give. Bless them! And they probably won't need to read on as well. I am convinced that as they sow generously into the Father's field, they will reap bountifully too. The question here is more towards the way today's churches instruct their members to tithe. How not tithing is similar to robbing God of His right, and the curse/blessing that goes with it. Is this teaching .. biblical ? a quick googling will lead us to various write ups. Some for, some against.. the teaching. Some point out that tithing is part of ceremonial law (along with those clean/unclean food, etc ). It is, firstly, meant for the Israelites. Wh...
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)