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Showing posts from January, 2014

First in 2014

So I posted 52 times in 2013. That's like once a week. The lowest figure since I started blogging here. But so do the other blogger friends I have. Guess people blog less nowadays. But of course new year must start with some optimism mah. So here's to a meaningful and productive blogging in 2014. Halah.. -__-" Resolution. This word is inevitable in January rite? What's yours? Mine.. physically.. to renew my commitment to regular exercise and healthier lifestyle. Note: I said regular. means.. even if it's once a week, it's still counted. Most important is consistency rite? And book. Yeah.. must catch up big time. Have not been reading much for years. Now.. related to that is.. to make it a point to remind myself every morning that.. I AM NOT WISE. Yeah..this verse speaks ever so loud to me at the moment: Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. (Proverbs 26:12) As for the rest.. will do some p...