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Showing posts from February, 2014

do you hear the people sing

love this 'angry man' song of les miserables so much I am rewatching the movie on HBO now. love that little boy that died heroically. (I was told that all but the lovebirds would die even before I watched the 3 hour movie) these people.. from Anne Hathaway to the little boy. ordinary peoples who lived and died fighting for what they believe in. will you fight for your belief despite knowing that it's a losing battle?

Bedanya Mario Teguh sama si Batu Karang yang Teguh

Hmm.. mari gua coba ngeblog pake indo. Yah.. karena topiknya jg ttg Om Mario si founder nya Golden Way sama Yesus, THE WAY. Kira2 minggu lalu, tgh malem, ada tayangan ulang golden way. ttg move on. Nah.. bagus sih si Mario itu. Pinter banget ngomongnya. Ngga aneh kalo dia skrg one of the top top motivational speaker di Indo yah. Dan dia ngga cuma ngasi dorongan, dia jg ngasi teguran yg kdg cukup to the point dan menohok, biarpun tetep dgn senyum ngomongnya. Kurang jelas apakah dasar iman dia.. tp yg jelas dia memang berusaha merangkul org dari segala agama. Singkat cerita.. bagus deh dia. Kalau di dunia perkristenan saat ini.. mgkn.. dia itu sejenis Joyce meyer. Yg mana kalo gua liat RT nya org2 tuh.. cukup keren jg nasehat2nya. Jujur gua kagum.. koq org bisa yah se pinter itu. dan kalo mrk ngomong, you listen. Itu hebatnya. Kalo elo atau gua ngomong yg sama.. blum tentu efeknya gitu. Tapi ada sedikit mslh yg bikin gua wondering jg ttg mrk2 ini. Sebagus2nya prinsip pe...

Just movies

Yeah I am too inspiration-less that I thought I just talk about some movies. A month ago I was itching to watch Walter Mitty and American Hustle. Well.. watched both. Mitty is nice and visually it reminds me of Life of Pi. But it wasn't particularly inspirational. Somehow I love "yes man" more than Mitty. As for the American Hustle.. the actors were simply brilliant. Christian Bale owned it. Big time. Amy Adams had to compete with her cleavage in most of the screens but was otherwise solid. We all love the mockingjay girl don't we? But having watched Silver Linings Playbook, I was rather disappointed by Jen Lawrence and Bradley Cooper here. They did great job but I enjoy their performance or characters in Silver Linings so much more. And that's rare because in a straight man way, I admire Bradley Cooper, a lot! So all in all.. the two big movies didn't really impress that much. Where are the "Slumdog Millionaires" and "The Best E...