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Showing posts from April, 2014

Si RI 3

selagi melintas di Sudirman tadi, tiba2 ada konvoi lewat, tau2 di antara mobil2 itu ada sebuah sedan item dgn plat nomor RI 3. Jd mikir.. siapa ya RI 3? Kalo RI 1 itu SBY dan RI 2 itu Mr Budi. Siapa RI 3? Tebak2 si.. jgn2 si instagram star, Ibu Ani. Ternyataa... Benar! (thank you Kaskus for the info) Hrsnya td gua ngintip2 dikit yah. Kali aja beliau lg selfie. Ga lama liat lg sebuah mobil sedan item dgn plat : RI 5. Nah..kalo Ksatria bergitar yg menang jd capres.. mgkn RI 3-6 semua dipake istri presiden ya. tp stidaknya utk saat ini.. prsiden kita masi monogami. jd RI 5 itu.. yg pake ternyata adalah.. ketua MPR. si RI 5 pengawalannya sih minim bgtt kalo dibanding sm RI 3. Ampir ky pejabat biasa aja. jd mikir.. apa uda segitu ngga pentingnya ketua MPR ya di jaman reformasi ini? soalnya di jaman sma dulu.. kynya MPR itu kan lembaga tertinggi negara gitu. kalo di UUD psl 1 ayat 2 dulu.. bunyinya "kedaulatan adalah di tgn rakyat dan dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh MPR." te...

Adios Ted, Robin, Barney..

*Spoiler alert to the uninitiated!! So the legendary show that is HIMYM has come to an end. In a totally not "ohh thats how you met our mother" climax. Budi my housemate was apparently okay with it. Some others were upset. Some.. suicidal. Okay maybe not. But I am, of course, happy for Ted and Robin. Just like how I supported Ross and Rachel. (And I love Ted-Robin more than Ross-Rachel) For all their chemistry, Robin and Barney always looked like Robin and Batman to me. And for all the awkwardness.. Robin and Ted always seemed to have that "so much deeper than chemistry" thing about them. Maybe it's what we call the scarlet thread.  The creators could have changed the ending. But they stayed true to their initial plan 9 years ago. That deserves some credit. I didn't follow the final season. How could I? It was all building up to a wedding I never wanted to see. So.. maybe that's why I didn't feel as upset about the divorce. At the end of ...