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Showing posts from May, 2014

green tea and edison

I didn't know that making green tea beancurd is so much tougher than it first appeared. I want that amazing green tea flavor. That Pokka reaction, or that Ayataka reaction. My latest attempt last night failed miserably. Well.. actually I haven't tasted any great green tea cake/pudding in various cake shops that I visited too. Maybe it's not that easy after all. And therefore.. it's worth conquering. So it reminds me of that Edison story . I think his burnt factory story is an even better one than that well known cliche of how many times he tried before he finally 'invented' the light bulb. Well.. someone told me before that he wasn't really the first man to invent light bulb. Edison is a far greater role model as an entrepreneur than an inventor. Jobs and Gates too. Great entrepreneurs. A failure.. as I coincidentally wrote in my previous post, can be beautiful.


But on the ground of Your word, I will lower the nets [again] - Luke 5:5 AMP Love this story in Luke 5 so much! it is a stage in life we all have or would go thru. not because it's obligatory, but because it's necessary in our journey with Jesus. as we both know.. it was (probably) early morning when Jesus arrived at the lake side. there were two boats there. but the fishermen had gone down from them. washing the nets. downcast. they have caught nothing all night. and probably not for the first time (they repeated this feat after Jesus was resurrected). a bit like a season of barrenness or desert in our lives. where things just don't work out. we are going nowhere. our hope is dashed over and over again.  it's mirage yet again. at one point.. we say.. enough is enough. we give up our belief in that relationship.. in winning that fight.. we wash our hands. but there and then.. just when we are one step away from killing that hope for good. Jesus appear...

once upon a ridge

it is summer yet again. the ridge at the west side.. glimpse of orange and blue.. i remember you. a failure can be beautiful. there's actually an endless ending. though the twelfth month wind is numbing, it will be summer yet again.

ngomongin capres

Tdnya uda ampir posting di fb. uda ampirr.. dengan semangat 45. tapi  pikir lagi.. oh well.. pengen posting di fb krn pengen sampein pesen ke tmn2 tertentu. tapi tanya balik.. apa ada guna nya ya? since yg bersangkutan kynya jg uda sgt sepenuh hati dgn apa yg dia atau mereka percaya. so ya sudah.. di blog aja.. sekedar memenuhi hasrat menulis. ok.. ini video.. kalo liat nama channel nya aja..  "suara demokrat". jd uda jelas.. ngga obyektif! (tp media mana si yg bener2 obyektif hari gini?) uda jelas... ada maksud propaganda. terutama di 10 menit terakhir dr video ini. dan yg ngomong pun.. uda jelas byk nih.. kalo kata bule, tengkorak di dlm lemari dia. apalagi partainya, jelas parahh.. tapi ya.. coba d didenger kata2 dia ttg jenis capres yg menurut dia bahaya janji2nya. kita sama2 tau sihh siapa yg dia maksud. tebakan gua.. begitu pendukung capres ini liat ni video, instead of mencoba memberikan counter argument yg intelligent dan berdasarkan fakta jelas, mrk lgsg m...

I'm in love with You

Went back to C*t* H*rv*st last Sunday. Haven't been there for more than a year at least. Things have changed a lot since that Asia Conference closing night. But somehow.. I like the change. More humility.. I guess? So.. after three or four songs hat I did not know of (Except for one Hillsong's), came the final worship song. This petite worship leader step forward.. Renata. I thought.. wow.. an Indonesian. And she sang. Powerfully. And with such depth. Beautiful worship. Totally enjoyed the worship moment. Being out of trend for so long.. I didn't even know whose song she was singing. Turn out its Kari Jobe's. Yea yeaa I know.. I should've known her right? Okay.. gonna start updating myself with Kari songs.

Amazing Spidey

Oh yeah.. finally we had a movie date again in cine after many moons. We watched plenty of movies in 21 or blitz for the last 2 years but there is just something special about a movie together in Sg. Our first movie date was a not-too-famous movie titled Sunshine Cleaning. At cine. On some weekdays afternoon. The perks of dating a real estate agent heh. I wasn't so sure about this Spidey reboot as I felt the first installment was too Twilighty to my liking. The only positive is Emma Stone, which was a HUGE improvement from Mary Jane. But this second installment, I must admit, did well in terms of the chemistry between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy. I guess it does make a difference when you are acting opposite your real life girlfriend. The villains didn't impress. The plot was decent. But the love story was enjoyable. And heartbreaking. Love those moments where Gwen asked Peter out after their break up. The ground rules moment. The "I only follow you once or som...