I have been wanting to have a trip, a break.. to somewhere that is culturally different from my normal setting (Singapore / Indonesia). Could have gone to Bangalore as well as Shanghai as there was work related event there. but for one reason or another, I could not make it. So it was a pleasant surprise that last week, my biz partner suddenly told our team that there will be event in HK in which we are invited. Somehow the timing works, and I thought.. yeah, let's go. So we went. The event was co-hosted by monetary authority of HK. I have never been invited to Singapore's one all my life. So it was kinda funny that I found myself on the 56th floor of their HK counterpart office with this crazy view. And all those important people from some of the biggest banks there, investors, and start up founders. Well.. how mysterious. the way God works. I never fancied HK. and I still prefer waking up every day to sweet Taiwanese accent rather than rude Cantonese scol...
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)