Never an expert when it comes to the show, and never a big fan, though I enjoy the show. There are moments that got me sit up and take note. Like the Norman moment ;) I suppose Jim Carey or Jack Black would have loved his performance. Having said that, of course neither would have won if they take part in the show. But hey.. if I can choose between the talent of Jack Black And Clay Aiken or Cook, I will take the panda anytime. Back to Norman.. i thought he would have stood better chance if this was 'American got talent'. Well.. but knowing that he would produce that kind of performance, and that neither the judge nor the voters (I guess) would have appreciated his talent, why bother to let him reach this round? =) but i am glad he did.. because I missed his previous performances. And I truly loved what he did last night. And as Randy noted, his singing style was fun. Sure the singing experts would have criticised his style, but as my first vocal teacher, a rocker, once said, ...
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)