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what about love?

How do we measure a year? How do you?

If we go by blogpost, 2009 has been the year I posted record high number of entry and..
2010 is the year I have my record low. Apart from 2005 coz I began blogging here in dec 2005.

I had one idea in mind for my one and only 'untitled' story in 2010..
But somehow I hv neither the enery nor the inspiration to finish it -_-

Right now..
On the highly commercialised Christmas eve..
I am waiting for my flight, while enjoying a free foot massage at Changi.
Not too bad I must say, apart from the fact that I dun hv ika by my side.

Am curious to find out who will outlast this massage, me or the Indian beside me?

Oh and in case u wanna know.. Changi is surprisingly quiet.. The plane looks half full only.
I guess everyone r already where they sud be on this nite.

Ah.. The guy lost the battle. I outlast him.
I'm pretty good at being the last guy to walk away.

Now.. A boyband-face-british-accent-angmoh come to challenge me.
This one won't last long.

So I wonder.. Why have I lost the energy to write?
I didn't know u need energy even juz to write crappy stuff.

Rite.. The pretty boy quit.
Now his curly haired friend take over.

Good thing bout this year's christmas is that our family of 4 is reunited.
We dun really go for fancy dinner or stuff for Christmas.
We go for the essence of the eating.. The taste of the food.

Darn the pretty boy is back.
I promise you I won't board till he leaves.
I may lose to the Indian but not the pretty boy.

Btw.. Maybe changi is one of my fave place in SG.
It has all the things u love about this country.
And it hides most of the thing u dun like.

I suspect I will come here more often next year.
2011 will be a year of adventure and walk with God.

Okay.. The pretty boy has finally given up.
New challenger took the seat but I'm not interested.
Time to move..

The pretty boy is heading back to Ireland btw.
He will reach there 7.30am in the morning.. Just in time for Christmas.
He has been away for like 1 month. Backpacking I guess.

Hmm.. Must be nice to be greeted with snow and stuff.
Christmas in the winter wonderland for 2011.. How about that? :)


Steven said…
hai ko. apa hubungannya sama judulnya? ;p
phoenix chix said…
haha.. juz because i remember the song "five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes".. when I wrote the blog ^^

ga ada hub sm isinya lol

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