why does it feel like time has flown at top gear this year?
in a way, it is only Feb and there has been so many major events taking place, like the arrival of dar-lie jr and ly-hong jr, as well as a-ci jr, and jo-lin jr.
but as well.. i didn't realise that we are already looking at end of Feb.
and OMG!!!!!!!!
I forgot... like TOTALLY... it was dian's bday last Sat =_+
Yeah.. I only realise this as I typed the words "end of Feb".
gosh.. let me stop writing now and do some searching.. what are the other stuff I overlooked lately -__-
in a way, it is only Feb and there has been so many major events taking place, like the arrival of dar-lie jr and ly-hong jr, as well as a-ci jr, and jo-lin jr.
but as well.. i didn't realise that we are already looking at end of Feb.
and OMG!!!!!!!!
I forgot... like TOTALLY... it was dian's bday last Sat =_+
Yeah.. I only realise this as I typed the words "end of Feb".
gosh.. let me stop writing now and do some searching.. what are the other stuff I overlooked lately -__-