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Last week was winkazo's housewarming.
I kinda expect some friends but I did not expect the house to be packed hah.
but isn't it great for housewarming?

And of course, it was full of happy noises too. toddlers were in full force.
the new born, the walking ones, and then there was Farrell too, who was like the big brother among the rest.
He just quietly and intelligently watched the TV. I guess he thought, "why the hell are all these kids so immature? can't they just sit still and enjoy the show?"

At that age, kids grow at exponential pace. Every new trick they learn is a great accomplishment.
And you could really tell which are the more senior kids. By their height, size, speech ability, level of understanding, walking ability, etc.

And even though we have no idea how these kids learn to talk.. it just happens.
I still don't understand how my toddler cousin could speak in Mandarin, Hokkian, English and Indo interchangeably.
Most kids would instinctively attempt talking (even when it was just gibberish) and walking (even before their legs could actually handle the job).

I don't really learn child psychology so seriously.. I hv no idea.

But the point is..  many of us would come to a point when we become adults.
Yes.. way past the ABG period.
There is this period where.. if you put together a 28 yo, 29 yo, 30 yo, and 31 yo.. you would have much harder time telling whether one is older than the other.

You would probably try to converse with them and find out who is the more mature ones.
But of course, the 28 yo could well be more mature than the 31 yo.
And the 29 yo could well be much more knowledgeable than the 30 yo.

The time will come when growth, personal growth that is, would become something that we need to intentionally commit to in order for it to happen.
We could easily cruise from being a 28 yo to 33 yo without really growing.

Of course.. there could be external factor that cause us to grow.
That factor is called 'trial'. It's God's grace then.. that He permits various trials to exist in our lives.
For through trials.. we grow wiser and stronger.

But trials are not here every day. Neither do we wish for that.
So eventually I realise that we still need to fiercely commit to personal growth.
I will be first to admit that I am someone who enjoy slow pace. (except when I'm eating)
So I need reminding each day, each week.. to invest on personal growth.

More than anything... so that I would discover every bit of potential that He packed in me when He made me. so that I would have exhausted myself for good when my time is up one day.


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