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Slimming tips

Do you know that oolong tea (without sugar, milk, and bubble of course)..
can increase your metabolism?
And thus.. helping you to slim down?
Thanks to brother John who generously shared this tips.

No wonder I would feel hungry after drinking 1-2 big cup of oolong tea at night.
I knew that oolong tea kinda neutralise the fatty stuff that I am eating.
But I didn't know it increases metabolism.

If you only eat fruits + drink oolong tea..
you gonna slim down like.. fast and furious.
But I assume that's as good as killing yourself so.. maybe just for the dinner?

Either way.. oolong is good. Pokka oolong is great (I am not paid to say this).
So.. stock some at home.


Unknown said…
HAHAH random amat ko!! but MANTAB!! (y)
phoenix chix said…
LOL thank you Kim! ^__^
kan tidak selalu posting nya galau :P

Anw.. Always feel good to receive (y) haha :D

Jenita Darmento said…
wahh. boleh di coba nih koo.. oolong.nya pokka bisa buat ngurusin juga? hahaha
phoenix chix said…
haha bisa jen.. oolong pokka is good enough :D jgn lupa buah nya ya lol

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