I was thinking about Mary suddenly. Jesus' mom. Her life.. it was quite incredible, isn't it? No wonder that some of our friends would look up to her in such a special way. Think about it. From Genesis to Revelation.. has any woman ever conceived in such a way? by the Holy Spirit? which literally means.. God? I can't even imagine what that really, really means. If you watch anime, you probably know this show 'Beelzebub'. Well that baby was totally not normal. Only the characters in the show would believe he was human. But Jesus? He was born a baby. Human. I suppose Mary would have expected a glow in the dark baby at least. But there he was.. warm and tiny, in her embrace. Baby Jesus. And I suppose baby Jesus needed breastfeeding as well. So their relationship would've been truly.. that of a mother and child from day one. to try imagining Mary.. on one hand a normal mother, and yet on the other hand, doing her best to grasp this grand p...