having observed how people generally go through their lives..
the years of being teenagers, being 20s, and then 30s, 40s, and so on..
I figure that the greatest challenge in life is to keep one's heart pure.
after so many disappointments, bitterness and betrayals..
it is almost impossible to remain pure. to believe in what we used to believe in our early 20s.
i can understand now why some parents can be so disillusioned with this thing called 'love'.
it doesn't help that I just found out that one of the most celebrated Christian singers has just announced his divorce.
it just goes to show that so many of us are clueless after all.
yes.. that includes those writers of relationship posts that went viral.
even as I look at my friends in their 30s now,
they have become so different from who they were 10 years ago.
and maybe I too.. have changed. at least recently.
there is that helpless romantic part that will never disappear entirely.
but it takes so much more now to reignite that.
my friend says there is so many fishes in this world.
i have to agree. well its nice to know that there are many interesting fishes out there.
and that certain eligible fishes happen to like you.
its a nice confidence boost and all.
but then something brings you back to that little corner.
where the helpless romantic side of you is hidden.
and you are back to square one.
the princess, the dragon, and the knight
the years of being teenagers, being 20s, and then 30s, 40s, and so on..
I figure that the greatest challenge in life is to keep one's heart pure.
after so many disappointments, bitterness and betrayals..
it is almost impossible to remain pure. to believe in what we used to believe in our early 20s.
i can understand now why some parents can be so disillusioned with this thing called 'love'.
it doesn't help that I just found out that one of the most celebrated Christian singers has just announced his divorce.
it just goes to show that so many of us are clueless after all.
yes.. that includes those writers of relationship posts that went viral.
even as I look at my friends in their 30s now,
they have become so different from who they were 10 years ago.
and maybe I too.. have changed. at least recently.
there is that helpless romantic part that will never disappear entirely.
but it takes so much more now to reignite that.
my friend says there is so many fishes in this world.
i have to agree. well its nice to know that there are many interesting fishes out there.
and that certain eligible fishes happen to like you.
its a nice confidence boost and all.
but then something brings you back to that little corner.
where the helpless romantic side of you is hidden.
and you are back to square one.
the princess, the dragon, and the knight