Oh goodness.. I always get this emotional feeling everytime I return to NUS. Do you remember the very first time when we met? I still remember the place. I even still remember the second time we met. I can somehow picture those moments. I really have difficulty in forgetting these. I remember the first lenghty conversation we had. It was the night of full moon. It was the night of mid autumn festival. It was six years ago. Right.. enough of you. So I went to NUS for cellgroup today. I had my dinner at the Engineering canteen, complete with a glass of $1.30 Strawberry juice. Then went to the busstop in front of Comp Centre. Sigh.. that very building was our holy grail when we were doing our five months English course. During the lunch time, we would rush for lunch at the Arts Canteen, then went to the Computer Lab at Comp Centre for our daily dose of internet. We couldn't be late because the China students outnumbered us. And staring at the old Admin Building, the old stairs; it was...
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)