Faithful friends are hard to find.
Those who would stay by your side, and would encourage you and give you advices. They are precious.
But do you know which type of friend is the hardest to find?
It's the type that could understand your point of view, the type that has the wisdom to understand what you are all about. This is the rarest type but it's really important to have one.
And one is more than enough.
Because many of your friends.. they thought they were on your side.. they thought they were doing you favor. But judge you they did. They decide what is right or wrong for you. They change you. They take away your originality. They killed off your belief. They turn you into one of them.
It's not their fault of course. Because they really meant well. Job's friends meant well when they came over to console him. They had wanted to encourage him, to give him some good advices. But they ended up confusing him so much so that he lost his initial conviction. And they were supposedly his best friends.
The thing is.. you would never shine as bright anymore. You are no longer you.
It's nobody's fault but it's a decision to make.
You can submit to them and all are happy. Everything works and the world is merry.
Or you can choose the road less travelled.
I guess not everyone would understand what I am talking about. All the more not everyone would agree.
But it's not about me trying to be different. It's about me acknowledging the fact. Everyone is unique but some people are just somewhat wired a lil bit more differently than the others. That's why you call them weirdos, freaks.. And these so-called weirdos can sometimes be totally nice people who don't go about harming and hurting people. That title can be easily earned by having a so-called 'strange' fashion sense, for example.
But who are you to claim that you are not? And who are you to claim that all weirdos are rightfully wrong?
Those who would stay by your side, and would encourage you and give you advices. They are precious.
But do you know which type of friend is the hardest to find?
It's the type that could understand your point of view, the type that has the wisdom to understand what you are all about. This is the rarest type but it's really important to have one.
And one is more than enough.
Because many of your friends.. they thought they were on your side.. they thought they were doing you favor. But judge you they did. They decide what is right or wrong for you. They change you. They take away your originality. They killed off your belief. They turn you into one of them.
It's not their fault of course. Because they really meant well. Job's friends meant well when they came over to console him. They had wanted to encourage him, to give him some good advices. But they ended up confusing him so much so that he lost his initial conviction. And they were supposedly his best friends.
The thing is.. you would never shine as bright anymore. You are no longer you.
It's nobody's fault but it's a decision to make.
You can submit to them and all are happy. Everything works and the world is merry.
Or you can choose the road less travelled.
I guess not everyone would understand what I am talking about. All the more not everyone would agree.
But it's not about me trying to be different. It's about me acknowledging the fact. Everyone is unique but some people are just somewhat wired a lil bit more differently than the others. That's why you call them weirdos, freaks.. And these so-called weirdos can sometimes be totally nice people who don't go about harming and hurting people. That title can be easily earned by having a so-called 'strange' fashion sense, for example.
But who are you to claim that you are not? And who are you to claim that all weirdos are rightfully wrong?