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The Two Cents Stuff

To be indecisive and easily influenced is not good,
but all the same,
it's not really wise to be stubborn as well.

If.. I mean IF.. you really want to be stubborn,
at least make sure you know you got it right.

But which of us is wise enough to always got it right?

The safest bet to make, sometimes, is to just stay silent.
When you are not sure, just stay silent, and analyse everything.

Yes.. observe and analyse.
Instead of shooting off your bullets and hitting nowhere,
it's better to observe in silence,
you will understand more that way.

the proverbs say that in many words, there are many mistakes.
so once again,
unless you know for sure that you are right, say less.
read and listen more.

you can always throw out the food that goes into your mouth,
if the taste is not right.
but how do you take back the word that goes out from your mouth,
if the word is not right.


ivan said…
hahaha... yg ini mengena sekali juga ko...

baru aja bete ama housemate gara2 masalah buang sampah dan rasanya mau ngomong ma dia kalo g udah bersihin wc lah, bersihin wash basin lah, vacuum karpetlah, dsb, hihihi...
Jenita Darmento said…
ahhaha.. yg sabar yha vann.. eheheheh

wahh.. bagush yha post koko.. ahhahaha..

jd mikir.. aku termasuk kategori yg mana yha..?? wqwqwqwq
Devi Maria said…
mukya...merasa kena dhe ko! a bull yg liat kain merah trus maen sodok aja nga mikirin consequencena!...
i dont want to be the bull :[
wanna be the angel..hehehe..
phoenix chix said…
huehuehue at least housemate loe pasti better than owner kita dulu kan van? =P ato loe kangen dia? =D

to jend n aralle:
haha saya yg nulis jg mikir2 sendiri koq, kynya aku jg sering not wise enough in this matter.
ivan said…
yg ini masalahnya rada beda ko... ya sudahlah, jangan ngejelekin housemet... mana dia aloy sempai dan bos di pelayanankuw pula, hihihi.

si omDavid ya... jangan juga deh, hahaha.

iya jend, makanya selama l di deket dia belajar yg banyak ya, hahaha...

oiya, tadi pas sebelom FA gw mikir lagi buat meninggalkan betani dan dimulai dgn ngga ke gereja minggu ini...
kotbah dan 3 kesaksiannya menegor gw gitu... hihihi (combo 4 gilaaa)
salah 1 kesaksiannya, dia gamau ke betani karena pengen speak english (kejadian yg sama!!!), trus ternyata akhirnya ke betani dan Tuhan bikin sesuatu buat dia...

dan dustin hari ini gagal terbujuk ke FA lagi... ckckck... 2 anak dombamu yg lg merantau ini perlu didoakan ko, hahaha
phoenix chix said…
wakaka wadoh si dustin muncul lagi mles nya yah..

tampaknya fa berikutnya perlu doa syapaat buat kalian berdua ya biar kesamber api lagi ^^

btw sbnrnya kalo gua jg bakal sangat tertarik coba ke planetshakers n learn from them seh kalo gua disana hueuhehe.

but then yah.. mao nya Tuhan kdg beda seh buat diff person at diff time.

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