Am watching this chinese movie on channel 8.. where Louis Ko is the supercop with impotence problem and most important is.. got my sweetie pie Charlene Choi there. So towards the end.. Louis Ko asked Sammy Cheng, "do you mind to be with someone who is unable to satisfy you?" (because Sammy is one of those sexually active ladies).. to which Sammy replied in tears, "i only want a boyfriend who teaches me how to cross the street.. because i do not know which direction to take" (because Louis, the cop, once taught her how to safely cross the street). I dunno.. just love that part. Came back from watching Changeling.. a very good human drama. The night before.. we watched Ponyo.. an entertaining no-brainer anime, cutely hand-drawn. This morning? Ehem.. I decided to do something foolish.. Maybe being a lil more foolish will bring me closer to destiny. So i went for SIA steward walk-in interview LOL. So let me share with you what went on. Starting with the most important t...
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)