Watched this movie, mainly because of her.
Liu Yi Fei is like one of the prettiest China artists around in wuxia costume.
She doesn't look that good in the pic but she is smashing in the movie.
Story-wise.. er.. let's just say that I am not buying the idea that those Chinese characters could somehow speak English out of the blue.
But it's entertaining.
And my verdict on Jet Li- Dicky Cheung is still the best monkey king! ^^
Speaking of monkey..
Dicky is still the best actor,especially for monkey king,hehe..
so.. itu tergantung selera kita mirip ga bro ^^
the 'lil monkey cant escape the cage of mind
speaking of monkey
its shadow still lingers on every breath
'Lil monkey, O, 'lil monkey - how can I ever let the wind blows you away, let you fly high, painting the sky...
'Lil monkey, O, 'lil monkey - the smell of your hair is still vivid in my soul. The smile that liberates my soul roaming, wandering, in the river-lake.
'Lil monkey....
judging from the word "river-lake", i assume its you, bro ^^ long time no see ya..