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Another 'PASSED'

Yaa haa.. another PASSED, thanks God!! It just feels good to pass exams, especially for this one coz I was struggling with the sample questions. But thanks God, the exam itself was not that hard.

And having heard from a friend how he got his scholarship for MBA in JAPAN, I am now also INSPIRED to take GMAT and also apply for MBA there ^^ He got into an international univ that speaks English, and the scholarship value is $100,000 USD for 2 years. WOahh.. seeing the zeros, want to faint oredi.

And the fact that it's JAPAN, oh gosh.. scholarship plus good money plus chance of finding a wife.. hmm.. this is too good to be true. So my friend, Congrats! God is good ya.


Went to see Caeli for my haircut. A not very good reminder of whatever it is.


Chance is, tomorrow I am flying off to Jakarta, on a mission to attend Iwan's wedding at makasar.
So 2008 really turns out to be a year full of trips. And it's kinda exciting to be going to a new place.

My mum dreamed for two nites in a row that I.. erm.. got married. The bride was that 'guai guai', fair fair one, she said. Good sign?
Well.. the third nite, she dreamed of me getting lured into a satanic church and was trapped there. Oh my gosh..
And the weird thing is, the satanic church's pastor-wife, in the dream, was offering her daughter to my mum. Supposedly the daughter could help me to escape.

Getting weirder.. so let me conclude by saying that initially I was quite troubled by the dream (the third day one, not the wedding one)..

But thanks God for His reminder thru a song called 'Mighty to Save'.. Hey.. All I know is on the third day, my mighty Jesus was risen, conquered the grave, and in His name and precious blood,
I am foever safe.


ivan said…
exam apa si ko?
Jenita Darmento said…
ivann maoo tauuu ajha.. ahahaha

pdahal gw sendiri ga tauu...wqwqwqwq

cieee koko... get married... ahaha.. ayo koo.. sapah thuhh guai2 fair2 hah..?? hahahahahaha
^^ MaHaRaNi ^^ said…
Wedeeee,, yg udah slese exam..
Lgsg kLuar resuLtna yah ko??
Congratz my bro ^^

Hmm,, met jaLannn yooo..
Enjoy your days in Jakarta,, Makasar,, and the other pLaces..
Smoga ktemu si guai2 fair2 one segera ;p

phoenix chix said…
hueuheuhe sya jg ga tau seh yg guai2 dan fair2 itu sapa..
abis nyokap jg kan ga kenal sama wanita2 di sekeliling anaknya haha.

van, gua ambil exam modul2 insurance haha... atas instruksi dari seorang cewe mapan, hopefully seh bakal fruitful semua keisengan inih.

thanks ran buat wishes nya..
btw si abang yg maen gitar lagu simple song tadi kerenn lohh ;)

*ga usa pura2 bego n bilank yg nyanyi yg keren*
^^ MaHaRaNi ^^ said…
Yg maen simpLe song GMB kan,, maksudmuw si gitaris GMB na yah yg keren ;p
Tp,, emang yg nyanyi yg keren,, suarana empuk!!! (kLo yg inih bneran ko,, peace ^^ )

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