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i wish the spaceship from Wall-E's movie suddenly appear tonight, decide that i am an important specimen to their whatever study, and take me off to wherever as long as its not on earth... for a week or so.

let's put it that way.


^^ MaHaRaNi ^^ said…
Wedeee,, ada apa negh ko mo diangkut kLuar dr bumiii???
phoenix chix said…
huehuehuehue biar bisa ketemu Eevvaaa... donk ^^
^^ MaHaRaNi ^^ said…
Eh,, woLi mah ktemu evaaaa na di bumi atuhhh...
Ga pLu jauh2 ampe mengasingkan diri gtu dunkkk...
phoenix chix said…
haha tapi mslhnya skrg.. evvvaaa nya hilang.
Grady said…
Kl gk ada si Eva nya wall'e, gimana kl Eva Mendez ato Eva Longoria, sapa tau tar dijadi in bahan pelajaran buat bikin Ice Cream Magnum supaya bebas dari susu cina :)
phoenix chix said…
huahuauha bro.. only one eva will doooo.... =P

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