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I didn't know that..

Obama has actually been in charge for one year.. till I look at the newspaper today and saw a small headline that says so.
Has it been THAT long?

I also didn't know that there was this Andy Lau movie that was shot in Singapore. An old old movie that features Andy Lau, Alan Tam, Liang Jia Ren (those that knows HK movie will know that they are big names back then).. and there was Eric Tseng, who, during those days, used to be playing some goofy characters.

I randomly switched to Celestial channel today and I saw Andy Lau. So I stayed on. And then I saw the word 'Sentosa'.. then there was the island. then I saw cars and bikes crashing and exploding around City Hall and Raffles Place. They were having some scenes at Raffles Place MRT, Orchard MRT too..

Quite interesting.. looking at those familiar places.. in its 80s condition with its 80s style crowds.
Hm.. it has been THAT long..

From 80s to today
From 2008 to today..

We gain some..
and lose some.

There are some lost that we could recover, and we should..
but there are some that..
we just have to let the nature takes it course.

Nothing is too much to lose..
nothing is too much not to gain.
Apart from the life itself.

And life is worth living for.
Live by believing in all possibilities.

The other day I posted kong hee's sermon on dream at facebook
"that if it is your dream, you don't have to search around for it. it will find you instead".

Eka asked.. is it true.
My Raffles Hall senior (woah.. it's been THAT long.. 9 year!!).. thought it was a strange quote.

I think my senior misunderstood the point. He might think that Kong Hee was saying that you don't have to pursue your dream. Which he wasn't.. for sure.

I thought what he meant was that.. you don't have to sit down and brainstorm to logically deduce the answer to the question: "what is my dream"
In fact.. don't. Don't make up your dream that way.

Instead.. that dream.. being so uniquely attached to you and you alone.. will somehow find and capture your obsession.

Like how it did to Martin Luther King, Gandhi.. and the rest of them.

I imagine that.. for us who are still asking this question..
as we strive to live this life meaningfully.. as we open up ourselves to possibilities and adventure..
we will one day stand at that very place.. where our eyes shall be opened.. and we shall see before us..
the very dream we have been talking and writing about.

Well.. I dunno ;)

I only know that..
We are not there yet.


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