Actually tadi uda complain panjang lebar ttg salary but geesh.. God reminded me of the time I was looking for job and erm.. I guess I can't complain now. Scrap it. Thanks God for the lil surprise today.
Anyway, Renaldo's apple strudel yg kita makan buat tea break hari ini was heavenly. God I want to learn to bake this strudel ^^ n I want to open a bakery! Ya that is one of my amusing dreams. To open a bakery! Of course I have other more amusing dreams such as opening an orphanage, and better still, stay in a rural area in a country where I can have a vineyard. Haha.. dream on ^^ Eh but.. somewhere I read that gardening is one of my talent.. oh well..
Been thinking and pondering on my future plan this few days.. not easy really.. especially coz I have been rather laidback and that being my nature, I am easily content but I guess I will be making some decisions.
Let's begin with answering this : What is the one thing that I can excel in and pursue in my life?
Hmmm... what?
Anyway, Renaldo's apple strudel yg kita makan buat tea break hari ini was heavenly. God I want to learn to bake this strudel ^^ n I want to open a bakery! Ya that is one of my amusing dreams. To open a bakery! Of course I have other more amusing dreams such as opening an orphanage, and better still, stay in a rural area in a country where I can have a vineyard. Haha.. dream on ^^ Eh but.. somewhere I read that gardening is one of my talent.. oh well..
Been thinking and pondering on my future plan this few days.. not easy really.. especially coz I have been rather laidback and that being my nature, I am easily content but I guess I will be making some decisions.
Let's begin with answering this : What is the one thing that I can excel in and pursue in my life?
Hmmm... what?